Anki: Hey it’s our first time going camping in Yellowstone.
Vab: I am excited! Yey! Do you have ideas on what are we going to eat?
Anki: Food I guess. We are going for a week. We can’t just survive on grilled meat each day! There’s got to be something else.
Vab: And we can’t carry propane on carry-ons.
Anki: We can surely do a stopover at Walmart on our road trip and buy some propane.
Vab: Or we can get an Eco-friendly camping stove.
Anki: Okie dokie, so what does it do and how is it different.
Vab: This is fueled by nature – fried twigs, leaves, pine cones, wood etc. It’s collapsible and can be easily carried on.
Anki: Sounds great!
Vab: The flame is very concentrated like a gas stove and we can now cook noodles or store bought pre-cooked meals or coffee at ease.

Where did we get it?

Like many other things, we got it on Amazon and the link is here:


1)This works like charm
If it wasn’t this, we wouldn’t have made our chocolaty maple syrupy coffee in Vermont when camping. One just have to collect dry twigs or dried leaves and light it with a lighter and voila! It raises a concentrated flame like in a home gas system. I like the fact that with these there is no air smoke either.
If you are in a rush, get the fire starter from Walmart (I know that won’t be Eco-friendly but hey there are some Eco-friendly starters too at store or better still if you have a cardboard insert it along with twigs and that catches fire instantly). The flame comes out great.

2)It’s small and easy to carry
I love it for the fact that I no longer have to depend on alternative method of cooking. Of course, there is a grill at the campsite that we can cook on. But sometimes one needs more than that. The fact that’s it’s so easy and lightweight to carry, makes it one of the great buys we did last year.

3)It’s Eco friendly
Made of stainless steel and no chemical emissions, this may be one of the Eco-friendly stoves we can carry.

4)The real cooking gets easy
With the dishes that we have to cook on this stove, we have cooked omelets, pre-boiled rice, pre – cooked vegetables, Idaho potatoes etc during our camping stays. I will share some of the camping recipes too soon.

5)It is stable.
The base of the support system is stable on grasslands and camp fields. However, at times we have felt that the 3-arm can be a little shaky (at first) when holding the dish. Once it fits, it stays like charm. Even in winds.

Verdict: We love it!

Scope of Improvement: Only if this was a little bigger width wise. The 3-arm can also have some improvement to be more wider and more flat.

Rating: 9/10